You can book by calling us on 0203 393 0977, emailing or booking online.
Step 1:
Click here to be directed to our booking page. If you have booked previously, you can view your previous appointments by entering your mobile number. We will then send you a code which will enable you to sign in.
Step 2:
Select the service you would like to book. If this is the first time you are visiting the Atelier for any type of colour service, you will need to have a Colour Consultation and Patch Test 48 hours prior to your appointment. A full list of our staff members are available on our website along with our price list. Select all the services you require and press continue.
Step 3:
If you would like to book in with a specific member of staff, click on the service and select who you would like to see or ‘No preference’.
Step 4:
Select the time you would like to visit us. The calendar will highlight the earliest available appointment for you.
Step 5:
Enter your details in the form provided and enter any additional information as required.
Step 6:
Double check your booking and enter your card details to secure your booking.
If you would like to contact us regarding your appointment please email us at or call us on 0203 393 0977.
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